About Us
At Craig Niesen Photography we are passionate about the photographic process, as well as providing our clients with the best experience. We enjoy meeting new people and helping them to create photographs that will bring them lasting memories of the most important moments of their lives.

What We Do
We specialize in not specializing. What does this mean? It means that we love living life through the lens and sharing the experience with others. We do not limit ourselves to one type of photography. We do headshots to weddings, senior portraits to anniversaries, and everything in between. We also share our travels through our Travel Photography Blog and our fine art work.
The Way We Do it
We start by getting to know our clients. We feel that the best photos are made when they represent the subject as an individual- their likes and interests. We want our photographs to convey the personality of our clients. We work with the client to determine their exact needs and any special requests they might want. Our philosophy is to work with the client in the session, we do the retouching, and we oversee all steps of the printing of the final images to ensure the highest quality product.
Why We Do it
Not only are we passionate about photography, we are passionate about delivering the highest quality product we can at a reasonable price to ensure that professional photography is accessible to as many people as possible. We feel everyone should be able to have lasting, professional quality images that mean something to them.