Shelley and I arrived at Ruby Beach to find the tide coming in and the beach filling with people. This was not what I had in mind when I was planning this trip, but as with other trips, sometimes you have to work with what you have. Our time was limited because we were driving to Astoria Oregon, where we would stay for two nights on this trip. With all of this, I was still able to come away from our side excursion to Ruby Beach with photographs that I am pleased with.
Tidal Flats – Ruby Beach
For my first composition, I wanted a photograph that incorporated the sea stacks down the beach. I also wanted water in the foreground of the photograph. I was able to achieve this.

Ghosts of Time – Ruby Beach
With all of the people milling around Ruby Beach, I was struck with the idea to find a typical composition for the location and incorporate an extremely long shutter speed to create a ghosting effect of the people who were wandering around the beach. I have done this before with other locations. The first photograph of my Ghosts of Time series was created in Madrid, Spain during our return from Morocco back in 2013. This was the second time during a trip that I had the intention of creating a photograph for the series. Below is the finished photograph.

Please check out the corresponding video over on my YouTube Channel at