So, here is a little insight into me as a photographer and person. I love visiting State Capitol buildings so much that I will go out of my way to see one that I have never seen before. This being my first time in the State of Washington and knowing that Olympia Washington was slightly out of the way from Seattle to Forks, I had to take the side trip. The day that Shelley and I were traveling from Seattle to Forks was one of the best for skies during the early days of the trip. By the time that we arrived in Olympia, there were enough breaks in the sky to give me the drama that I was wanting. And as a bonus, the cherry trees were in bloom.

The Selfie
Hey, from time-to-time I am going to though in a photograph or two of my loving wife and myself. And what better location than this to make one. Here we are in front of the Washington Legislature building with all these georus looking cherry trees in bloom.

I truly love the way that photograph turned. Through my composition, I was working to achieve a photograph not only drew the view into the Legislature building but gave a sense of balance. For the most, this photograph came together in the way that I had planned in the field.

Thank you for following along on this photographic journey along the Pacific Northwest Coast. Next time we will begin our time in Olympic National Park. I for one cannot wait.
Please check out the corresponding video over on my YouTube Channel at