When Shelley and I travel we photograph during all qualities of light. And yes this includes during the midday harsh light. For me, photography trips are not just about the act of making photographs, but getting out and making new experiences. This does not mean that I will leave the camera in the place that we are staying. In general, my camera is always with me. When planning the day my first step is checking the weather forecast. Some of my favorite photographs have been shot during the middle of the day with high-level clouds, wildfire smoke, snow, or rain. If I am not presented with the weather elements that add depth, contrast, or mood to the subjects that I am wanting to photograph, then I’ll use any shots taken as reference shots for locations and compositions that I may want to come back to when the light is better.
The photograph below was taken in the late morning light of day one at the Grand Canyon. The light was not exactly what I had in mind but Shelley and I were out looking for possible sunset locations for the few days that we had at the Grand Canyon.

Midday light also seems to be the time when I take photographs of us. This photograph of Shelley and I was taken in the late morning on the first day at the Grand Canyon.